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Cheap, easy and sometimes controversial ways to beef up your guitar tone- pickup heights and strings
There are times when electric guitarists want to thin out their tone (

Saving Gibson PART V- Good leaders create good plans based on good information
The Saving Gibson series examines all of Gibson’s challenges and explores industry standard processes that help small and medium businesses

Saving Gibson- Strengths Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
The outcome of a SWOT session is summed up with a SWOT table and the following table summarizes the issues that we have reviewed...

Taming a muddy Les Paul- Bass Contour helps enhance your thick and sustaining guitars.
A Bass Contour is one of many modifications that can bring you closer your perfect sound. At the, we explore the inc

Part IV – How to save Gibson in 10 Steps... Marketing is a lot more than advertising
Gibson Guitars needs to turn Ch11 into growth by fixing a wide range of broken processes- This Business Transformation series covers custome

Part III – How to save Gibson in 10 Steps... Messaging works when you know who you are
Gibson lost it's focus a long time ago; offering products like the Jimi Hendrix Stratocaster;) Take a look at poorly positioned guitars

Gibson Guitars- Part II- How to save an iconic American brand in 10 steps...Why Chapter 11 is good f
When a pilot loses control of an airplane, it can easily enter a ‘death spiral’ where every revolution increases the odds for disaster. Busi

Gibson Guitars- How to save an iconic American brand in 10 steps... While My Guitar Gently Weeps (fo
Process and change management is painful but necessary when you compete in global markets. Now that Gibson has to change, we examine the the

Buying and Selling Guitars for Profit is Easier Than You Think
Most serious guitarists buy and sell a number of instruments over their lifetime- but the question to ask is do they lose money or make mone

Turning a Parker Nitefly into a Great Cover Guitar
See an example of a Cover Guitar, modified to cover a wide range of styles.
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