Cheap, easy and sometimes controversial ways to beef up your guitar tone- pickup heights and strings
Saving Gibson PART V- Good leaders create good plans based on good information
Saving Gibson- Strengths Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
Taming a muddy Les Paul- Bass Contour helps enhance your thick and sustaining guitars.
Part IV – How to save Gibson in 10 Steps... Marketing is a lot more than advertising
Part III – How to save Gibson in 10 Steps... Messaging works when you know who you are
Gibson Guitars- Part II- How to save an iconic American brand in 10 steps...Why Chapter 11 is good f
Gibson Guitars- How to save an iconic American brand in 10 steps... While My Guitar Gently Weeps (fo
Buying and Selling Guitars for Profit is Easier Than You Think
Turning a Parker Nitefly into a Great Cover Guitar